Yoas Services Inc., provides the latest cutting edge technology in printing, design, supplies, and equipment, while maintaining good old-fashioned customer service. Our over 60 years of experience guarantees your satisfaction.
Yoas Services Inc.
509 West Fourth St.
Williamsport, PA 17701
Payment Types:
Placing an Order
At this time, Yoas Services Inc., does not offer online purchasing. We prefer to speak directly with you, our valued customer, to make certain that you're getting exactly the right product for your needs and have all your questions answered to the very best of our abilities. If you would like to place an order or have questions about a product or any of our services, simply call or e-mail us anytime. We very much look forward to hearing from you and being of service!
Sending Files for Printing
PLEASE NOTE: When sending an e-mail, be sure to include a proper subject matter, your complete contact information, and specific directions regarding your printing project.
Acceptable file formats for printing / plotting: PDF, TIF, AutoCAD (DWG, DWF, and DXF), PLT, JPG, PSD, AI, EPS, SPV (SoftPlan), PNG, and more. For enlargement projects, we will not accept Microsoft Office formats such as Publisher, Excel, and Word. Adobe PDF documents are preferred for all printing and plotting projects.
If your files are too large to e-mail, please contact us directly for instructions on transferring files online via our FTP webpage.
For printing at our Williamsport location, please e-mail plotting@yoas.net.